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Fixed in 4.4.0-preview.1
Found in [Package]
preview.9 - 4.3.0, 4.2.3
Issue ID
[ProBuilder] IndexOutOfRangeException thrown on entering Prefab Asset Mode of Merge Objects
When Objects prefab is Merged and enter in the Prefab Asset Mode then it causes the editor to throw IndexOutOfRangeException, refer the attached video.
Steps to repro:
1. Create a new project.
2. Window > Package Manager > ProBuilder > Install
3. Tools > ProBuilder > ProBuilder Window
4. Create 2 new shape object
5. Make prefab of 2 New Shape object
6. Select 2 Object in Hierarchy > ProBuilder Window > Merge Objects
7. Select Merge Object > Open Prefab Asset object
Actual Result:
IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when entering Prefab Mode Assets of Merge Objects
Expected Result:
Merge Objects enter in Prefab Asset Mode without any exception is thrown in the console
Occurring in:
2020.2.0a11, 2020.1.0b9, 2020.1.0a23 with package version: preview.9 - 4.3.0, 4.2.3
Working fine in:
2020.1.0a22, 2019.3.14f1 with package version: preview.9 - 4.3.0, 4.2.3
Occurs only on Windows 10
Stack trace:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Math.Normal (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh mesh, UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Face face) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/core/math.cs:658)
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Projection.PlanarProject (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh mesh, UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Face face, UnityEngine.Vector3 projection) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/core/projection.cs:128)
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.UvUnwrapping.Unwrap (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh mesh, UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Face face, UnityEngine.Vector3 projection) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/meshoperations/uv/uvunwrapping.cs:12)
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.RefreshUV (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] facesToRefresh) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/core/probuildermeshfunction.cs:460)
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.Refresh (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.RefreshMask mask) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/core/probuildermeshfunction.cs:376)
UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.MakeUnique () (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/runtime/core/probuildermeshfunction.cs:333)
UnityEditor.ProBuilder.EditorUtility.SynchronizeWithMeshFilter (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh mesh) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/editor/editorcore/editorutility.cs:232)
UnityEditor.ProBuilder.HierarchyListener.HierarchyWindowChanged () (at library/packagecache/com.unity.probuilder@4.3.0-preview.9/editor/editorcore/hierarchylistener.cs:66)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallHierarchyHasChanged () (at <89a088b11b1f446fb543c196a8473632>:0)
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