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Cannot revert overriden properties in Animation Mode error when dragging material to scene containing prefabs with locked Timeline
How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open SampleScene.unity
3. Select the New Timeline object in the Hierarchy
4. Double click Playable to open Timeline in the Inspector
5. Lock the Timeline tab
6. Open Project view, select any material and drag drop it into scene
7. Observe Console
Alternative steps, no project:
1. Create a timeline in the Project (Create>Timeline>Timeline)
2. Drag and drop the timeline into the scene
3. Create/add any type of a prefab containing a mesh (to accept Material drag and drop events)
4. Position the scene camera so that this prefab would be visible
5. Open the timeline from step 1 and lock its window
6. Create a new Material and drag it to the the scene view (drag it over the prefab from #1 if the error doesn't appear)
Expected result: No errors are thrown
Actual result: The following error is thrown
InvalidOperationException: Cannot revert overriden properties in Animation Mode.
UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.WarnIfInAnimationMode (UnityEditor.PrefabUtility+OverrideOperation overrideOperation, UnityEditor.InteractionMode action) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/Prefabs/PrefabUtility.cs:417)
UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.RevertPropertyOverride (UnityEditor.SerializedProperty instanceProperty, UnityEditor.InteractionMode action, System.Boolean raiseRevertEvents) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/Prefabs/PrefabUtility.cs:1066)
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TryRevertDragChanges () (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/Inspector/MaterialEditor.cs:2965)
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ClearDragMaterialRendering () (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/Inspector/MaterialEditor.cs:2976)
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.HandleRenderer (UnityEngine.Renderer r, System.Int32 materialIndex, UnityEngine.Material dragMaterial, UnityEngine.EventType eventType, System.Boolean alt) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/Inspector/MaterialEditor.cs:3051)
Reproduced with: 2021.3.36f1, 2022.1.0a2, 2022.3.19f1, 2023.3.0a13, 2023.3.0b10, 6000.0.0b12
Platforms used: MacOS Sonoma 14.4 (M3), Windows 10
Comments (6)
Jul 29, 2024 08:32
I'm having this same issue in ver. 2022.3.22f1, if anyone has a fix that doesn't involve going to an older version where it does work I would greatly appreciate the help
Jun 16, 2024 17:45
So basically this is a MAJOR! Bug that breaks materials swaps in the animator and Unity just decided to say, sorry we're lazy cunts a software breaking bug isn't a priority. useless pathetic twats.
Apr 09, 2024 04:33
Got this error in 2022.3.6f1 too. Didn't have this error a week or two ago. Would very much appreciate a fix.
Mar 22, 2024 10:59
Alternative steps, no project:
1. Create a timeline in the Project (Create>Timeline>Timeline)
2. Drag and drop the timeline into the scene
3. Create/add any type of a prefab containing a mesh (to accept Material drag and drop events)
4. Position the scene camera so that this prefab would be visible
5. Open the timeline from step 1 and lock its window
6. Create a new Material and drag it to the the scene view (drag it over the prefab from #1 if the error doesn't appear)Reproduces all the way down to 2021.3
Feb 20, 2024 19:57
I have this issue in unity 2022.3.6f1. Unity 2019.4.31f1 didn't get that error.
Feb 20, 2024 19:56
It's exactly what is says. that's the problem, material drag and drop in record mode is simply broken...Is there a fix?...Please help, it's so annoying...Thanks.
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Resolution Note:
Thank you for reporting a bug to Unity.
We have reviewed the issue carefully, and in this case, the team is unable to prioritize fixing this bug. There are a number of reasons we make this decision, including the impact and severity of the issue across our user and customer base, and the possibility that future plans may solve the problem in a different way, or that a workaround for the bug may be available.
Today we will be closing this case. Thank you again for taking the time to report this issue, and please let us know if there is anything else that changes the impact or severity of this issue.