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Filter numbers reset to 0 when Test Runner filters are applied

Package: Test-Framework


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached ““ project
2. Open the Test Runner window (Window > General > Test Runner)
3. Press “Run All tests”
4. Select the “Show tests that succeeded“ and “Show tests that didn’t run” filters to hide them
5. Observe the number on the filters

Expected result: Selecting a filter, hides/shows the specific tests, but the number doesn’t change as the filter should indicate that there are ‘n' successful/unexecuted tests hidden
Actual result: The number changes to 0 as if no succeeded or unexecuted tests exist.

Reproducible with: 1.4.5 (2022.3.55f1, 6000.0.32f1, 6000.1.0a9), 2.0.1-pre.18 (6000.0.32f1)

Reproducible on: M1 Max MacOS 15.1.1
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is expected behaviour - these filters hides all successful/all failed/all not run tests, thus, the number is updated accordingly - it is expected for the number to be zero, when all successful/failed tests are filtered out.

    However, it can be a feature request, as an improvement for UI with another field/checkbox or similar UI solution, that would show the number of tests that succeeded/failed, when filtering the results from the window.

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