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Awake of NetworkBehaviour is not called at launch in standalone build, but is in the Editor
In Editor, Awake and Start functions are called as follows: Awake in Networked object, Awake in local object, Start in local object, Start in Networked object
In Player, Awake and Start functions are called as follows: Awake in local object, Start in local object, Awake in networked object, start in Networked object
To reproduce:
1. Open the project, attached by tester
2. Open "test" scene if not open
3. Press Play
4. Create Host
4. Observe the console
5. Stop the game
6. Build and run a standalone
8. After it has launched, create Host and close the game
9. Go to {standaloneName}_Data folder and open output_log.txt file
10. Observe the order of outputs from Awake and Start methods
Expected: Awake and Start methods are called in the same order on MonoBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour objects no matter if it is in Editor or in standalone build
Actual: the execution order of Awake and Start methods in Editor are diferrent than in standalone build when using NetworkBehaviour
Reproduced on 5.4.5p1, 5.5.3p1, 5.6.0p2, 2017.1.0b1
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May 07, 2017 21:47
Very annoying bug. Having completely working project in editor doesn't mean having working project in standalone build.