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[Animation] 'Transition in state' error is thrown on Adding behavioural script when a condition is added in list



On expanding transitions from Transitions box, When a condition is added in the list later while creating a behavioural script 'GameObject Transition in state' error is thrown in console. refer attached video.

Steps to repro:
1. Open attached Project
2. Project Window > Open Cube Animator > Create Empty State.
3. Create a transition New Animation > New State.
4. Inspector > Select transition > Expand.
5. Conditions > Add to List (+)
6. Add Behaviour > Add script > Create and Add
- The same issue persists for following steps
(continue from step 6)
7. Cube > Animation > Transform, Mesh renderer, Box collider

Actual Result:
'Transition in state' error is thrown on Adding behavioural script when a condition is added in list.

Expected Result:
- The behavioural script should be added without any error in console.
- Instead of flooding console with Transition in state errors more specific warning should be provided.

Occurring in:
2020.2.0a18, 2020.1.0b16, 2019.4.2f1, 2019.3.15f1, 2018.4.19f1

Windows10 and macOS 10.15

Stack Trace:
Controller 'Cube': Transition '' in state 'New Animation' uses parameter '' which does not exist in controller.
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility:GetAnimationClips (UnityEngine.GameObject)
UnityEditorInternal.GameObjectSelectionItem:Create (UnityEngine.GameObject) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/GameObjectSelectionItem.cs:19)
UnityEditor.EditorWindow:Close ()
UnityEditorInternal.AddCurvesPopupHierarchyGUI:DoAddCurveButton (UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeViewItem) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AddCurvesPopupHierarchyGUI.cs:75)
UnityEditorInternal.AddCurvesPopupHierarchyGUI:OnRowGUI (UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeViewItem,int,bool,bool) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AddCurvesPopupHierarchyGUI.cs:42)
UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeViewController:OnGUI (UnityEngine.Rect,int)
UnityEditorInternal.AddCurvesPopupHierarchy:OnGUI (UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.EditorWindow) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AddCurvesPopupHierarchy.cs:24)
UnityEditorInternal.AddCurvesPopup:OnGUI () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AddCurvesPopup.cs:94)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The asset is invalid and this is what the warning is telling. Workaround is simply to fix the warning.

    This is cosmetic and workaround is easy, so we won't address it.

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