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[Editor] "Remapped Materials" section is missing under Materials tab whe...
"Remapped Materials" section is missing under the Materials tab when preset is created of any 3D model. Steps to reproduce: 1. Ope... Read more
Input field doesn't open On-Screen Keyboard on touch screens
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a New Project 2. Select any input field Expected Result: On-Screen Keyboard appears Actual Result: T... Read more
[Profiler] IConnectionState error thrown on enabling ordisabling Color B...
IConnectionState error thrown in console on enabling or disabling Color Blind Mode from context menu while profiling data Steps to ... Read more
Serialization of special characters is different between MacOS and Windows
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project on MacOS and Windows 2. Go to the "Assets" folder and open "äöü.mat" and "äö... Read more
[Mobile] Dropdown remains in Highlighted Color phase even after defocusi...
To reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project "New Unity Project (2).zip" 2. Build and Run for Android or iOS. 3. Expand and select ... Read more
Crash when using certain uninitialized AnimatorControllerPlayable methods
How to reproduce: 1. Download, extract and open user's attached project ( 2. Open 'SampleScene' scene 3. Enter play mode -... Read more
[IL2CPP] Null exception is thrown at GetOrCreateManager<EntityManager>()
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download 2. Build project for Standalone with IL2CPP backend 3. Run player Expected result... Read more
Rendering a scene with a Skinned Mesh Renderer without an Animator compo...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Enter Play Mode Expected result: Allocator errors should not be shown. Actual res... Read more
[Improved Prefab] Inspector and hierarchy window does not update after c...
Inspector and hierarchy window does not update after clicking documentation icon in prefab override window. Even when new GameObject... Read more
Grabing and Docking an UI tab next to itself, makes it or other tabs big...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a New Project 2. Drag the Hierarchy tab next to itself Expected Result: It docks and replaces itself... Read more
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Latest issues
- Emissive Mesh emissiveness does not change when the Area Light intensity is animated through script
- No error notification is displayed when creating a tag with an already existing name
- Scripting API Manual Page's layout is broken when using Unity 6 manual version or above
- [Android] [iOS] Popping/crackling sound occurs when the app is repeatedly brought to the background and foreground while the sound is playing
- UI Builder unloads UXML file and discards any unsaved changes when entering Play Mode with Domain and Scene Reload enabled