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Serialization produces inconsistent results when accessing it a lot of t...
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached project # Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene # Enter the Play Mode # Cl... Read more
WindowLayout:ShowWindowWithDynamicLayout fails when creating a window wi...
Reproduction steps: # Open the “DynLayoutLoading” project # Click DynamicLayout Tests → Load Dynamic Layout Expected result: ... Read more
Scripting symbols are not refreshed after changing a preset
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "ProjectSettingPreset" 2. Open Project Settings and select "Player" 3. Observe "... Read more
[Linux] Camera Background color is green in Scene/Game View while it is ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user’s attached profile 2. In Scene/Game View, observe the background 3. In Hierarchy Window, cli... Read more
The Label of the value gets selected in the Inspector window when changi...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new empty project 2. In the Hierarchy window select “Main Camera” GameObject 3. In the Inspector ... Read more
Sequences don't import child objects when importing assets created in ol...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user’s attached project 2. Open Window → Sequencing → Sequences window 3. Inspect the Sequences w... Read more
SpriteShape collects all GameObjects in active Scene when importing asset
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open Window → Analysis → Profiler 3. In the Profiler window set the Target to... Read more
[Mono][Android] NullReferenceException error is thrown in device logs wh...
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached Unity project "" # In the Project window navigate to Assets folder >... Read more
Crash when running Editor with batch mode and vcsMode flags
How to reproduce: 1. Download the attached project 2. Open the "Repro.bat" in a text editor 3. Change the "Unity.exe" file direct... Read more
Default bounds values are messy
How to reproduce: # Create a new VFX Graph Expected result: !image-2022-10-24-12-15-07-005.png! Actual result: !image-2022-... Read more
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- Unity crashes during the scene template selection in the "Inspector" tab
- [Android] [iOS] [UnityWebRequest] Requests with "UnityWebRequest" are open for SSL Proxying
- SetWindowsHookEx does not prevent Windows key input when Editor or Player Window is focused and Active Input Handling is set to “Input System Package (New)” or “Both”
- Crash on GetEffectiveBc7TextureCompressor() when loading and unloading all Assets in the Project
- Terrain Masks do not ignore the mipmap limit