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"MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Material' has been destr...
How to reproduce: # Open the attached project "" # Open Window>Terrain>Terrain Toolbox # Enter Play Mode # Exit Play M... Read more
Tools are not displayed in Tools Overlay
*Description:* When an object is selected, it's tools must be visible in the Tools Overlay, as described in the Unity 23.1 Docume... Read more
Terrain Overlays cannot be hidden
*Description:* Overlays in 23.1 should always be user-hideable, via the right-click-on-header menu, per documentation: [Unity - M... Read more
Terrain tools activate without user request
*Description:* Tools should only ever activate by user request, to avoid unexpected situations, and potential data loss (eg, if a... Read more
[Terrain Tools] "Material" error is thrown after splitting the terrain
Steps to reproduce: * Select a terrain * Open Terrain Tool (Window -> Terrain -> Terrain Toolbox) * Go to the Terrain utilities t... Read more
Terrain Tools package warning is thrown when installed in an HDRP project
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new HDRP project 2. Install the Terrain Tools package and observe the Console Expected result: No w... Read more
A warning message is displayed after installing 'com.unity.terrain-tools...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new Unity project 2. Install the “com.unity.terrain-tools” package through the Package Manager 3.... Read more
Layer Filter is not in the Brush Mask Filter list when Paint Terrain is ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user’s attached “My project (1).zip” project 2. Select the “Terrain” in the Hierarchy window 3. In the... Read more
Editor temporarily freezes when using the Terrain Bridge tool
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “ASDQWE” project 2. In the Project Window, double click on the “Assets/Prefabs/Environment/... Read more
Altitude Heatmap is not drawn on the Terrain's surface when using the "3...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “IN-54298 Terrain Altitude Heatmap Bug“ project 2. Open the “OutdoorsScene” 3. Mov... Read more
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Latest issues
- Shader transparency, discard, and clip are not working when using the Player
- Error is thrown when clicking on warning in the console
- Long IL2CPP build time when project has a .ufbx library wrapper
- Cursor doesn't change to the resizing when using the Rect Tool and the Sprite is too close to the bottom of the Scene View
- InvalidOperationException exception is thrown when Editor Default Text Rendering Mode is set to "Bitmap" and Editor Font is set to "System Font" and an array is expanded in the Inspector Window