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[XR][Varjo] URP OpenXR crash when creating RTVs for single pass instanced rendering when using XR_VARJO_quad_views extension

Package: OpenXR Plugin


Steps to reproduce:
1. Download the attached user's project ""
2. Install Varjo Base software [] (Account creation required)
3. Add Varjo OpenXR plugin to the downloaded project ([])
4. In the analytics window, under Varjo Base software, you click on the "Simulate" button and select XR-3 and also enable "Mouse and WASD" to fake the HMD pose. See [] for more instructions

Expected Results: no crash when selecting QuadViews feature (which enables XR_VARJO_quad_views) and Single Pass Instanced rendering mode
Actual Results: URP OpenXR crash when creating RTVs for Single Pass Instanced rendering when using XR_VARJO_quad_views extension

Reproducible with according to the user: OpenXR 1.10.0 (6000.0.0b16)
Could not test with 2021.3.38f1, 2022.3.28f1, 6000.0.1f1 due to Varjo software installation failing

Testing Environment (user): Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

-According to the user, this seems to stem from the OpenXR plugin creating one context view swapchain with ArraySize=2 and two focus view swapchains with ArraySize=1 (instead of just one with ArraySize=2) and then requesting two RTVs (one for each slice from a texture which only has 1 slice) via IUnityXRDisplayInterface::CreateTexture.
-Varjo OpenXR runtime log file named is attached "unity6-quadviews-logs.txt":
-Varjo OpenXR runtime error:
"ID3D11Device::CreateRenderTargetView: The Dimensions of the View are invalid due to at least one of the following conditions. MipSlice (value = 0) must be between 0 and MipLevels-1 of the Texture Resource, 0, inclusively. FirstArraySlice (value = 0) must be between 0 and ArraySize-1 of the Texture Resource, 0, inclusively. With the current FirstArraySlice, ArraySize (value = 2) must be between 1 and 1, inclusively, or -1 to default to all slices from FirstArraySlice, in order that the View fit on the Texture. [ STATE_CREATION ERROR #137: CREATERENDERTARGETVIEW_INVALIDDIMENSIONS]"

  1. Resolution Note:

    Quad Views feature is not supported by Unity's SRP graphics pipelines (URP/HDRP) so we are currently not able to resolve this issue. We have created a feature request so we can consider adding this in the future.

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