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[XR SDK] Oculus device image is noticeably brighter compared to WMR
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ("") (VROverbrightIssue\TestProject-XRPlugin)
2. Open "SampleScene" scene
3. Use WMR HMD
4. Set XR Management settings to support WMR
5. Enter Play Mode and observe tiles brightness
6. Exit Play mode
7. Put on Oculus Rift HMD and Enter Play mode
8. Observe tiles brightness
Expected result: Brightness on tiles using Oculus device and WMR device does not differ
Actual result: Oculus device is noticeably brighter compared to WMR
Reproducible with: Built-in RP, URP 7.5.3, 10.4.0, 12.0.0 (2019.4.23f1, 2020.2.7f1, 2020.3.2f1, 2021.1.0f1, 2021.2.0a10)
Could not test with: 2018.4.32f1 (couldn't get Acer WMR to work there)
- The WMR Portal does show a similar image (ApplicationFrameHost_MfOxY53hlo.png) as in the Oculus but the Device itself (Acer AH100) displays completely dark tiles
Tested devices:
- Oculus Rift
- Acer AH100 WMR Headset
Tested plugins:
- Oculus
- Windows Mixed Reality
- OpenVR
Comments (5)
Sep 22, 2020 14:39
Here is another interesting discussion - reply from Oculus Staff JianZ provides test project with usage of R11G11B10_FP format which fixes the problem with color snapping I've mentioned before.
I've also found out, that this same format is set by unity PostProcessLayer.cs when using HDR -> RuntimeUtilities.defaultHDRRenderTextureFormat -> RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float
Sep 10, 2020 09:03
Also tested on
HTC Vive Pro (OpenVR), which also behaves differently from Oculus
Oculus Rift S - same problem as Oculus Rift -
Sep 08, 2020 07:35
The issue is not only it is brighter in Oculus Rift (and Rift S), it also remaps (snaps) dark colors to Black, as if gamma correction was not set correctly.
- This may also help -
"All color textures fed into a GPU shader should be marked appropriately with the sRGB-correct format, such as OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB. This is also recommended for applications that provide static textures as quad-layer textures to the Oculus compositor. Failure to do so will cause the texture to look much brighter than expected." -
Aug 27, 2020 07:37
갤러리보증 안전놀이터 메이저놀이터 가입문의
메이저갤러리 텔레그램 MAJOR365 -
Aug 26, 2020 14:12
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Resolution Note (2021.2.X):
The Windows Mirage API, which is the foundation of the WMR XR SDK Provider, doesn't provide support for linear color buffers. The Mirage API is being deprecated in favor of OpenXR going forward. As such, the changes required to support this feature will not be provided by Microsoft, and we will not be able to natively support this for the current WMR XR provider.