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VS Code doesn't generate a solution



Having a particular combination of packages makes Visual Studio Code not open the project solution properly.

Repro steps:

-download this manifest.json
-create a new project with Unity 2018.2 0b6
-go to the project folder-> Packages and replace the manifest.json with this one
-load up the project. Unity will take a bit to import all these packages
-ensure the Visual Studio code is your main code editor
-make a new script and try to open it

1 of 2 things might happen (i've had it happen a bit randomly of all the times i tried to repro this bug):
- Visual studio will just open that 1 file and 2 other files, but it won't recognise the project
- VS will open 2 instances: 1 will be that project and 1 will be the broken version of that project.

Comments (2)

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