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Under Consideration for 6000.0.X, 6000.1.X

Fix In Review for 6000.2.X



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Issue ID




VFX Graph gets corrupted and has no properties when manually adding the VFX Graph from the older versions


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-attached project “vfx-test.1” and then close it
2. Unzip the user-attached project “vfx-test.2” into the “vfx-test. 1” folder and replace all similar files
3. Open the “vfx-test.1” project
4. In the toolbar, click Test → Go
5. Observe the Console

Expected result: There are no errors displayed
Actual result: An error is logged in the Console because there are no properties, and VFX shader dependencies are missing (we need to recompile the effect in order to render VFX properly)

Reproducible with: 2023.1.4f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.28f1, 2022.3.5f1, 2023.2.0b1

-After deleting the Library or reimporting the project into the different versions, the issue is resolved
-All affected versions can’t be properly tested because this issue is resolved by upgrading the project
-Also reproducible in Player

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