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URP: Overlay camera output is black
*Repro Steps:*
1. Create a URP project
2. Add a "Base" camera (tag this "MainCamera")
3. Add a "Overlay camera (tag this "UICamera")
4. Configure "Base" camera to stack the above overlay camera
5. Open unity Recorder
6. Add a "Movie" recorder
7. Configure recorder "Capture" as follows
* Source: Targeted Camera
* Camera: TaggedCamera
* Tag: UICamera
8. Start recording and a black movie should be recorded.
_OS:_ Windows
_Unity Version:_ 2020.3.12f1
_Recorder Version:_ 2.5.5 (also tested with 3.0.3)
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Resolution Note:
when you have 2 cameras, let's say the MainCamera and a Secondary one,
and the Secondary one is set as an overlay in the Main one.
If you attempt to capture Target Camera = Main One, you get a correct capture.
The capture pass runs within the rendering of the secondary camera.
It may seem surprising but it makes sense: layers are rendered in order and you want to capture the full composition. With stacking the resulting color buffer of a layer is fed as a background to the next one. So you execute capture on the last layer.
With Target Camera = Secondary One, no capture occurs.
The way camera stacking works, with this propagation of color buffers,
it is not possible to isolate the rendering of a specific layer,
it'll always include the previous layers.
So I wouldn't describe this as a bug, and would consider it by design.
Stacking really is just "draw on top of the color buffer of the previous layer until you run out of layers"