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[URP] Missing Renderer Features cannot be manually removed

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new URP template project
2. Import the attached Forward Renderer named "UniversalRenderPipelineAsset_Renderer"
3. Expand the Forward Renderer object and select one of the missing renderer features
4. Try to remove the renderer feature

Expected result: Feature can be removed using the Delete button or using the Right-Click context menu
Actual result: Missing feature cannot be removed

Reproducible with: 2019.4.12f1(7.5.1), 2020.3.16f1(10.6.0), 2021.1.15f1(11.0.0), 2021.2.0b7(12.0.0), 2022.1.0a6(12.0.0)
Could not test with: 2018.4.27f1(URP was not yet available)

  1. Resolution Note:

    These are sub-assets and thus can not be deleted. Currently, this is by design and is part of the sub-asset workflow in Unity. We are working with the Serialization team to convert renderer features to use Polymorphic Serialization as it will fix some workflow issues we have today.

Comments (2)

  1. Yhisken2

    Sep 11, 2024 04:56

    This is such a shit design

  2. M_R_M

    Oct 22, 2023 22:24

    So developers can add a render feature, but not remove them??

    How could anyone justify such a ridiculous decision? It makes no sense at all.

    If there is an issue that Unity is simply incapable of resolving, that would be understandable, extremely disappointing and really sad, but at least understandable. That this was a deliberate decision is just completely insane. One of many I suppose.

    Why am I using this instead of UE5 again? Oh right, sunk cost fallacy.

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