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[Tiny] "An error occurred while resolving packages:" appears every time i re-open a uTiny project

Package: Tiny Editor


After restarting a project made with the Project Tiny package, an error won't allow me to start the editor in Tiny mode. This issue goes away after I restart the PC.

To reproduce this:
- make a new project with 2019.2.0b6
- add the Project Tiny package
- Make a new project in tiny
- make a new script
- try to open the script in the Dos C# project
- this fails for me
- i close the whole Unity project
- i try to re-open it and I get the error:
An error occurred while resolving packages:
One or more packages could not be added to the local file system:
com.unity.tiny: EPERM: operation not permitted, copyfile 'C:\Users\Catalina\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\\com.unity.tiny@0.15.3-preview\DotsPlayer\bee~\bee.exe' -> 'C:\prototypes\tiny2\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.tiny@0.15.3-preview\DotsPlayer\bee~\bee.exe'

A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of C:/prototypes/tiny2/Packages/manifest.json file.

This error appears even if i start a whole new project and then try to add the Project tiny package.
I only manage to get rid of the error if i restart my machine

  1. Resolution Note:

    Please try the latest tiny package and note the forums announcement post about the future of the Tiny package.

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