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Gizmos are disabled if you minimize it's script in the inspector

Package: 2D Sprite


If you minimize a gizmo's script in the inspector, it will also disable it in the prefab scene view. This seems strange as we have a dedicated Gizmo's menu that a user should be able to hook into. Worried this might lead to confusion.

Steps to reproduce
- Open the attached project in 2020.1
- Under Assets > Palettes, double-click "Test Palette" prefab
- Select "Layer1" child in the prefab hierarchy
- Observe attached "Tilemap Gizmo" script in the inspector
- Click the down arrow beside the script icon. This will minimize the script in the inspector
Notice issue >> Gizmos are hidden in the prefab scene view.

Unity: 2020.1.0a14
Package: 2D Tile Map Editor 1.0.0

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is the behaviour for MonoBehaviours with OnDrawGizmos and other MonoBehaviours with Gizmos, and is not specific to Tilemap Gizmos. If their inspector is minimised, the gizmos will not be displayed. You can check this out with the PolygonCollider2D as an example.

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