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Test Suit, Assembly and Fixture execution times are incorrectly displayed as "0.000s" in the Test Runner window

Package: Test-Framework


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project “IN-91865_TestFrameworkRepro -“ (link in the internal comments)
2. Open the Test Runner window by going to Window > General > Test Runner
3. Open the “PlayMode” tab
4. Press the “Run All” button at the bottom-right corner
5. Wait until all of the tests are completed
6. Select “TestFrameworkRepro“ Test Suit, “Tests1.dll“ Assembly and “NewTestScript“ Fixture individually to see their execution times (displayed at the bottom of the Test Runner window)

Expected result: Each test correctly displays its execution time as longer than 0 seconds
Actual result: Test cases display their execution time correctly but the Test Suit, Assembly and Fixture display an execution time of “0.000s”

Reproducible with: 1.4.1 (2021.3.47f1), 1.4.5 (2021.3.47f1, 2022.3.56f1, 6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b1), 2.0.1-pre.18 (2022.3.56f1)
Not reproducible with: 1.1.33 (2021.3.47f1), 1.3.9 (2021.3.47f1), 1.4.0 (2021.3.47f1)

First Affected Version (FAV): 1.4.1

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

- The Test Suit/Assembly/Fixture execution “duration” is displayed correctly in the exported results .XML file (export the results by clicking the “Export Results” button in the Test Runner window)

- Reproducible with tests under the “Player” and “EditMode” tabs as well
- Could not test the 2.0.1-pre.18 package version on 6000.0.34f1 and 6000.1.0b1 Editor versions as it caused an error (see below the Notes section)
- The 1.1.33 version of the Test Framework package produces expected results but gives a warning and a NullReferenceException (see below the Notes section)

Error message in 2.0.1-pre.18 (6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b1):
”Library\PackageCache\com.unity.test-framework\UnityEditor.TestRunner\TestLaunchers\PlatformSetup\XboxOnePlatformSetup.cs(5,17): error CS0619: 'XboxOneDeployMethod' is obsolete: 'The XDK Xbox One platform was removed in 2021.1'”

Warning message in 1.1.33:
”Cannot delete asset. is not a valid path.
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)”

Error message in 1.1.33:
”NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.PlaymodeLauncher+BackgroundWatcher.OnPlayModeStateChanged (UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.test-framework@1.1.33/UnityEditor.TestRunner/TestLaunchers/PlaymodeLauncher.cs:113)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_PlayModeStateChanged (UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state) (at <6888332a7c744443a073cdd85abe1927>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)”

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