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Renaming Bolt Class in Explorer field does not rename the Bolt Class in Assets

Package: Bolt


If you rename a class using the class name field in the Explorer, it does not rename the bolt class in the Assets.

Renaming the class using Right-Click -> Rename in either the Assets or the Explorer will keep the class names in sync. Once the class names no longer match, this does not work anymore.


Have a project with Bolt set up.
1. Create a Bolt class in Assets. (Right-Click -> Create -> Bolt -> Bolt Class)
2. Open Explorer window. (Tools -> Bolt -> Explorer)
3. Observe the Explorer Bolt class matches the name of the assets folder Bolt class.
4. Rename the class in from the Assets folder. Do this as many times as you want.

Note how the class in the Explorer always changes it's name to match.

5. Rename the class from the Explorer name field above the class summary. Note how the Class name does not change in the Assets Folder.
6. Try renaming the class from the Assets folder. Class names no longer sync.


* When you select a Bolt Component on a GameObject in Hierarchy, it matches the Explorer name.
* The Graph tab title keeps the Asset version of the class name but the path to the graph just underneath matches the Explorer version of the class name.
* Issue occurs in 2.0.0a6, can't get an earlier version of Bolt 2 running so setting Regression to 'No'.
* Caused some confusion, but project appears to continue to work as expected.

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