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[Mac] Particle missing texture reference because of a compilation error in shader


When opening the attached project, created in Windows 10, on other platforms (macOS, Linux) textures on some prefabs unlink.

Steps to reproduce
- Clone project
- Open with 2019.1.0a10 on Windows
- Load the Neon Demo scene.
- Notice steam textures are correctly.
- Open on macOS 2019.1.0a10
- Start the scene by pressing play.
Notice issue - The steam textures render purple in both scene view and play view.

This seems to only appear when opening projects on a different platfroms.

Broken 2018.3.0b10, 2018.3.0b11, 2010.3.0a10

  1. Resolution Note:

    The shader that fails to compile on Mac has "#pragma only_renderers d3d11".

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