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Player Input is showing the wrong corresponding Input when using Xbox controller

Package: Input System


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “” project
2. Build And Run
3. Connect the Xbox controller
4. Select “Xbox” on Devices dropdown in the Player
5. Move around both Joysticks of the controller and observe the Player

Expected result: Xbox controller in the Player corresponds with the inputs of the connected Xbox controller
Actual result: Xbox controller in the Player does not correspond with the inputs of the connected Xbox controller

Reproducible with: 1.4.4 (2021.3.16f1), 1.7.0 (2021.3.16f1), 1.8.0-pre.1 (2021.3.16f1)

Reproduced on: Windows 10

- Not reproduced by CQA
- User noted that the issue reproduces with these devices (via Bluetooth and cord): Xbox Series S controller, Xbox 360 Controller, Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, third-party Xbox 360 controllers
- User noted that the issue is only reproducible on one of their machines so the issue might be specific to that machine

  1. Resolution Note:

    We can no longer reproduce this issue using the latest Unity + Input System package with 3 different Xbox controllers.
    If you can still reproduce this with the latest versions, please reopen the case.

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