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Performance FPS regression on Canvas Rendering between 4.7.1 - 5.3.3f1
Performance FPS regression between 4.7.1 - 5.3.3f1.
Steps to Repro:
1. Run 4.7 project, connect profiler and observe Number of Batches rendered: Should be around ~3
2. Run 5.3 project and check the same value, now ~290
(For 144 elements == 2 batches per element)
(Slowdown clearly noticeable on older Android devices, but not so much on Desktop)
Steps to repro (Android):
1. Launch 4.7.1 with attached 4.7.0 version of the project zip
2. Build the MainScene on to an Android S4 device
3. Observe FPS ~59fps
4. Launch 5.3.3f1 with attahed 5.3.3 version of the project zip
5. Build the MainScene on to an Android S4 device
6. Observe FPS ~30fps - the fluctuation in FPS is more apparent in 5.3.3
Desired outcome: Would be good to have something on par with 4.7.1 in latest 5.3.x. ~59fps
A new restriction was introduced around 5.2; for elements to batch they need to be co-planner to the canvas. This is because at the moment we do not have any knowledge of the rendering camera we are batching for and thus are unable to safely determine non co-planner elements bounding boxes. So make sure that all your elements' z value is the same or 0. This will allow the batching system to know for sure the bounding box size and thus should help with the performance aspect.
For more information see this video:
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