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Particle.Stop() shows wrong state



Steps to reproduce(not always reproducible):
1. Open "TestScene" project in Unity 5.4.0b23.
2. Press play button in toolbar.
3. Hold arrow buttons to guide white ball off screen. While you are doing it press "p" button rapidly to disable/enable particle systems( Check Gui box in upper-left corner for all of the information you need).
--- Side note: To get better idea what you should see, watch this gif:

Expected result: Local particle systems function "Particle.isStopped" should act accordingly with pressed "p" button when the ball is outside the screen.
Actual results: Local particle systems function "Particle.isStopped" always stays in false state unless you enter camera view.

Side notes:
--- Sometimes "Particle.isStoped" starts working properly.
--- If you open Scene view window while you are running this project, "Particle.isStoped" will work properly until you cross scene view screen borders (

Reproduced in: 5.4.0b23, 5.4.0b22, 5.3.5p3, 5.3.5f1.

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