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MonoBehaviour script component is missing the enable/disable toggle in Inspector when the script does not contain certain methods like Start



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ScriptToggleStripped“ project
2. Open the “Sample” scene
3. Select the “Test” GameObject
4. Observe the “Empty Script” and “Awake Script” components

Expected result: The components can be enabled/disabled
Actual result: The components are missing the enable/disable toggle

Reproduced in: 2021.3.29f1, 2022.3.8f1, 2023.1.0a5
Not reproduced in: 2023.1.0a6, 2023.1.9f1, 2023.2.0b6, 2023.3.0a2

Reproduced on: macOS 13.4.1 (Intel/M1)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note:

    If a MonoBehaviour has no code that runs automatically (Awake, Start, Update, etc.), it makes no sense to disable it so we're not showing the checkbox. It wouldn't do anything.

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