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[Mobile][IL2CPP] Devirtualization does not work for abstract classes
To reproduce:
1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity
2. Open "SampleScene" scene
3. Set Scripting Backend to IL2CPP
4. Build for iOS or Android
5. Go to "Devirtualization_test/Temp/il2cppOutput/il2cppOutput" and open "Bulk_Assembly-CSharp_0.cpp"
Expected behaviour:
Call to cow.Speak() should read: `String_t* L_18 = Cow_Speak_m1607867742(L_16, /*hidden argument*/NULL);`
Actual behaviour:
Call to cow.Speak() reads: String_t* L_18 = VirtFuncInvoker0< String_t* >::Invoke(4 /* System.String Animal::Speak() */, L_17);
- This issue does not reproduce on Windows Standalone and macOS Standalone
- This issue appears only on iOS and Android (IL2CPP)
- You can remove the "sealed" keyword from the Cow class in "FarmAbstract", repeat steps 1 - 5 and notice results are identical
- Could not check on Unity 2017.3 because project becomes corrupted
- Could not check on Unity 2019.1 because of this issue:
Reproduced on Unity 2017.4.0f1, 2017.4.15f1, 2018.1.9f2, 2018.2.16f1 and 2018.3.0b10
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Resolution Note:
Unfortunately, the devirtualization is not working in this case because the IL bytecode emitted by the C# compiler does not allow IL2CPP to devirtualize the call. The declaring type of the method to call is Animal, not Cow, so IL2CPP cannot safely avoid the virtual call.