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Under Consideration for 1.11.X



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Issue ID




[Linux] Can't access DualShock controller features due to SDL interface

Package: Input System


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project
2. Add Input System package
3. Click Window > Analysis > Input Debugger
4. Connect Dualshock or Dualsense controller

Expected results: Gamepad is recognized as DualShockGamepad or DualSenseGamepad
Actual results: Gamepad is not recognized as DualShockGamepad or DualSenseGamepad

Reproduced with: 1.11.2 (2021.3.47f1, 2022.3.55f1, 6000.0.33f1, 6000.1.0a10)

Reproduced on: Ubuntu 24.04
Not reproduced on: Windows 11

Note: Input system uses SDL library to handle inconsistencies between different Linux distributions, which do not provide the same API’s as HID interface on Windows, which leads to poorer interactivity with the gamepad, such as changing the gamepad’s light bar color on the fly.

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