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[iOS] Static batching does not work, causes excessive amount of draw calls compared to Editor

Mobile Graphics


1. Download & Open the attached project
2. Build to an iOS device
3. When the game is running on an iOS device, click "Debug->Capture GPU Frame" in Xcode
4. Enter Play mode of the scene in Unity Editor
5. Enable Frame Debugger
6. Compare the number of draw calls in Unity Editor and iOS build

Expected results: there's roughly the same amount of draw calls in both environments
Actual results: There are around 40 draw calls in Editor (many Static Batches), and hundreds of draw calls in the iOS build.

Reproduced with: 5.5.4p2, 5.6.3p2, 2017.1.0p5, 2017.2.0b9, 2017.3.0a4 [OpenGLES2 and Metal]
Device used: iPhone 6 (iOS 10.3.3)

Comments (1)

  1. mpete

    May 23, 2019 06:50

    We experience similar issues in 2018.4

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