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Fixed in 2018.2.X
Fixed in 5.6.X, 2017.1.X, 2017.2.X, 2017.3.X, 2018.1.X
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Issue ID
[iOS] Crash in libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend during AssetBundle download
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download & Open the project
2. Build the project to iOS using BuildInfoList.asset (found in Assets folder)
3. Throttle your iOS device's internet connection.
I used "Network Link Conditioner" from Xcode tools (and then shared the Ethernet connection to the phone via Wi-Fi) with these settings:
Downlink: Bandwidth - 2 Mbps, Packets dropped 0%, Delay 10ms
Uplink: Bandwidth - 1 Mbps, Packets dropped 0%, Delay 10ms
4. Deploy the game to iOS device
5. Select "Dev QA" in the initial scene
6. After the game loads, follow the instructions onscreen (go through the tutorial)
The game constantly downloads data from the background, at some point (usually ~1 minute into tutorial) it crashes.
Result: Crash in libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 16
Reproduced on: 5.6.3f1
Fixed in 5.6/2017.1/2/3 and 2018
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Apr 25, 2019 08:10
Still occurs in LTS 2017.4.25
Jul 17, 2018 08:13
Here is the crash log
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810d491c objc_msgSend + 28
1 libsystem_network.dylib 0x181aa4b80 __nw_array_dispose_block_invoke + 28
2 libxpc.dylib 0x181b67ae4 xpc_array_apply + 80
3 libsystem_network.dylib 0x181a23d18 -[OS_nw_array _dispose] + 84
4 libsystem_network.dylib 0x181a27b50 -[NWConcrete_nw_parameters .cxx_destruct] + 96
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810beef4 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 148
6 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810cc990 objc_destructInstance + 68
7 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810cc9f8 object_dispose + 16
8 libsystem_network.dylib 0x181a27ae0 -[NWConcrete_nw_parameters dealloc] + 144
9 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810beef4 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 148
10 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810cc990 objc_destructInstance + 68
11 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1810cc9f8 object_dispose + 16
12 libsystem_network.dylib 0x181aa98e0 -[NWConcrete_nw_path dealloc] + 108
13 libusrtcp.dylib 0x182f95528 nw_protocol_tcp_dispose + 380
14 libusrtcp.dylib 0x182f94980 -[OS_nw_protocol_tcp _dispose] + 24
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x1817f8aa0 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x1817f8a60 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x1818029b4 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain$VARIANT$mp + 608
18 libdispatch.dylib 0x1818032fc _dispatch_queue_invoke$VARIANT$mp + 336
19 libdispatch.dylib 0x181803cc8 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh$VARIANT$mp + 340
20 libdispatch.dylib 0x18180c098 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread$VARIANT$mp + 668
21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181b2be70 _pthread_wqthread + 860
22 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181b2bb08 start_wqthread + 4
Jul 17, 2018 08:10
We're seeing this in LTS 2017.4.6. Is it Fixed in LTS 2017.4.7?