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[iOS] AutoRotation gets enabled when App restarts due to being killed by the OS
How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached Project ""
2. Build and Run the Project on an iOS device
3. In the Player tap "PLAY"
4. Use the "CreateTextures" button to raise the App's usage to the Memory Limit
5. Use the App Switcher to switch to a different App
6. Use the App Switcher to switch back to the Unity Player
7. When the App crashes, stop the Xcode Debugger
8. When the App restarts, rotate the device
Expected Results: App does not rotate
Actual Results: App rotates to match device orientation
Reproducible with: 2022.3.48f1, 6000.0.21f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.44f1 (Xcode project fails to build)
Reproduced on:
- iPhone 13 Pro (iOS 17.6.1)
- iPhone XS (iOS 17.5.1, user-supplied information)
- iPhone 12 mini (iOS 17.6, user-supplied information)
- iPhone 11 Pro Max (iOS 17.4, user-supplied information)
Did not reproduce on:
- iPhone 6s (iOS 15.8.3, user-supplied information)
- The Memory Limit can be tracked in Xcode by observing the Memory Report in the Debug Navigator
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Resolution Note:
Reported a bug to Apple.
The issue can be reproduced by using simple Portrait-only Storyboard-based app without using Unity. App has no runtime orientations switching, it is portrait only, still after restart it starts auto-rotating until sent to background and brought back up.