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Instantiate prefab - no script running on ios
[Original Issue|] - Pending Review
Bug that seems related with prefab.
1. Create a 2D sprite "Flight" - Create a prefab from it
2. Create an empty game Object "Board" and attach a flow machine that instantiates 2 "Flights".
3. Open "Flight" prefab and attach a flow machine that change positions of "flights" at start.
4. Generate C# scripts : "Script generation succeeded. 2 graphs were converted to C#".
5. Build for iOS :
6. Start project on XCode (10.1)
7. Building on iOS iphone
8. The 2 instiantiated objects stay at the position provided in instantiate. The script with "local position don't work".
- It's the same result if I had a cooldown between "start" and "local Position" or if I try to do other things on the Flight prefab script.
- But, if I put the prefab directly in the scene. The script works.
Bolt Version:
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