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[InputSystem x XR Plugin] Pathed controls to CommonUsages bound to an ActionMap cause errors

Package: Input System


Steps to Reproduce:
- Download the attached project (don't open it yet!)
- Get the com.unity.inputsystem package from branch XR-Layout-Removal hash 4e9f157fe9bad6228f7560ad21b7f2f4cad25ddb
- Get the xr.sdk.oculus package from branch Fixes-For-ISX hash 6b03f8902b401939e3545b1b296563a7513ff0ec
- Set up the manifest to point at these local packages
- Set up an Oculus Rift or Rift S
- Open the SampleScene
- Press play

No errors in the console.

Errors, noted below.

I think what's happening is: the profiles aren't reported by the Oculus XR plugin until it starts out, and so the pathing encounters a null or empty something somewhere. If you remove the pathed controls from the action map the errors go away. The Action map is located at Assets/Input/PlayerControls.inputactions.

This is likely a core InputSystem problem, but I'm told they don't have XR stuff over there so this probably falls on the XR team to debug.

Many errors of these formats:

Usage entry is empty
UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputManager:OnNativeDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String)
UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String)

Usage entry is empty
Unity.XR.Oculus.Input.OculusTouchController:FinishSetup() (at D:/Git/xr.sdk.oculus/com.unity.xr.oculus/Runtime/InputSystem/DeviceLayouts.cs:108)
UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputManager:OnNativeDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String)
UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String)

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