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[HDRP][VFX][MacOS] Lit Quad VFX with "Cast Shadows" enabled causes volumetric fog to clip when Fog Distance is adjusted


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project on a Mac
2. Open SampleScene
3. Adjust Volume Global -> Fog -> Volumetric Fog Distance while looking at ButterFlies VFX
4. Observe that white artifacts occur at the edges
5. Select butterflies lit quad output and untick "Cast Shadows"
6. Notice that Volumetric Fog works correctly now

Expected result: Lit Quad VFX with "Cast Shadows" enabled should not cause volumetric fog to clip when Fog Distance is adjusted

  1. Resolution Note:

    Thank you for your bug report.

    After reviewing the issue and the impact it has on our users our team has decided that this case will be resolved as "Won't Fix".This does not mean that the issue isn’t a legitimate bug, but instead that we are not able to prioritize the fix, at this time.

    The case will now be closed, and will not be reopened unless new information arises that would change the issue’s impact. Please let us know if you have additional information relating to the severity of this bug.

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