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HDRP Office project causes a hard crash on macOS

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Opening the HDRP office project, linked below, on macOS results in a hard crash. This crash causes an automatic system restart. I tried to repo on other mac machines, these machines never crashed but they never finish baking the lighting. When I try to reopen the project on these machines, Unity hangs.

Steps to reproduce
- git clone -b 2019.3
- Open the project in Unity 2019.3.3f1
- Open the Office scene
- A number of errors appear related to Intel Graphics and openCL (This mac pro has a Radeon 560 gfx, other test machines had a 370x)
- Unity locks up and will eventually hard crash.
- If you get past this point and lighting bakes, play the scene.
- Stop the scene and let the project soak for a while
Notice issue >> Hard Crash.

Tested Broken 2019.3.1f1, 2019.3.2f1, 2019.3.3f1, 2020.1.0a25, 2020.1.0b1, 2020.2.0a1

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