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[HDRP][Hybrid Renderer] Mesh Renderer Sorting Priority is not sorting correctly in Entities mode

Package: DOTS Hybrid Renderer


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project and point to your dots repo path
2. Open Scenes -> 1x_Materials -> 1220_Sorting.unity
3. In SubScene game object mode select the middle plane meshes
4. Observe that Mesh Renderer Sorting Priority is set in this order: 20, 0, -20 from top to bottom
5. Set SubScene to Entities mode
6. Observe that sorting is broken now.

Expected result: Mesh Renderer Sorting Priority should sort correctly in Entities mode

  1. Resolution Note:

    Cannot be properly supported with BatchRendererGroup API. Will be delayed until the new BindSet/DrawCommand API lands in 2022. This will be considered a feature request, since the scope of the work is huge.

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