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[HDRP] Camera Color Alpha variable is ignored when using HDRP 5.10.0
How to reproduce:
1. Open the "RenderToTextureBug" Scene in the attached "" Project
2. Click on the "Camera" GameObject
3. Set clear mode to Color
4. Click on the HDRP Color picker on the Camera Component
5. Set the Color to pure red and drag Alpha Slider to the left until Alpha = 0
6. Observe the Canvas contents in the Scene View
Expected behavior: The Color of the Background is Transparent
Actual behavior: The Color is still red as if the Alpha is equal to 255
Reproducible with(Unity Versions): 2019.1.0b10, 2019.2.0a10
Reproducible with(Package Versions): 5.10.0
Not reproducible with(Unity Versions): 2018.3.12f1
Not reproducible with(Package Versions): 4.10.0
Comments (14)
Aug 08, 2019 17:51
We need the alpha change to work properly as an alpha channel. Guys... take off your engine (and cool demo) hat for a second and consider what down and dirty game development requires. You are losing touch... this is just one frustrating example.
Aug 08, 2019 16:14
Please bring Alpha Channel in RenderTexture back or make it optional feature! It's a essential feature!
Aug 06, 2019 10:32
The custome blending of the render output with other image material is impossible without a proper alpha channel. Please consider making it optional option if the performance impact is the only reason you will not supporting it.
Jul 31, 2019 11:09
So with this change and not being able to use multiple cameras in HDRP - what would be the correct approach to render camera (or world) space UI on top of the game without it being affected by PP (or having it's own PP)? I've been asking everywhere and no-one seems to know any solution or even a strategy for this.
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Resolution Note:
As we plan to use internally the alpha channel of the color buffer for future features, we cannot support the output of alpha channel in a render texture.