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Issue ID
GameObject's position offset is modified when the position of the GameObject is changed while recording in the Timeline
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “ASDQWE” project
2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/Unit4.unity” Scene
3. In the Hierarchy Window, select the “Master Timeline” GameObject
4. In the Timeline Window, select the “Tourist (Animator) > Override 0” timeline
5. Press the “Start Recording button”
6. In the Hierarchy Window, select the “Tourist” GameObject
7. Change the X position by 0.01 of the “Tourist” GameObject
8. Select the Timeline Window and press the “Space” key on your keyboard
9. Observe the animation in the Scene View
Expected result: No significant change to the animation has been made
Actual result: The “Tourist” GameObject’s’ “Transform > Position > X” Property is set to -9.1 at the first frame
Reproducible with: 1.7.5 (2022.3.7f1), 1.8.4 (2021.3.29f1, 2023.1.8f1, 2023.2.0b4)
Reproducible on: Intel macOS 13.5
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested
* The issue is reproducible with or without an animation
* The issue is visible regardless of the frame selected during the reproduction steps
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Resolution Note:
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, we will not be addressing your issue at this time, as we are currently committed to resolving other higher-priority issues, as well as delivering the new animation system. Our priority levels are determined by factors such as the severity and frequency of an issue and the number of users affected by it. However, we know each case is different, so please continue to log any issues you find, as well as provide any general feedback on our roadmap page to help us prioritize.
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