Search Issue Tracker

Fixed in 2018.3.X

Fixed in 2018.2.X



Found in


Issue ID




Crash in instancing rendering code



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user-supplied project ("")
2. Open Scene "Scene Switcher"
3. Play the Scene

Expected: no crash
Actual: crash

Reproduced in: 2018.1.5f1, 2018.2.0b9

ECS Introduced in 2018.1
2018.3 not tested due to PackMan errors

Stack Trace:
0x0000000140B9BE30 (Unity) FindDataSource
0x0000000140B869F5 (Unity) WriteConstantLoop<MemCpy<CopyFloat,1> >
0x0000000140B8470F (Unity) InstancingProps::FillInstanceBufferDispatchConstants<Instancing::DrawAPIArgs>
0x0000000140B85486 (Unity) InstanceBufferJob<Instancing::DrawAPIArgs>
0x00000001408A8564 (Unity) JobQueue::Exec
0x00000001408AA29E (Unity) JobQueue::Steal
0x00000001408A88D3 (Unity) JobQueue::ExecuteJobFromQueue
0x00000001408A8CD3 (Unity) JobQueue::ProcessJobs
0x00000001408AAB99 (Unity) JobQueue::WorkLoop
0x0000000140A848B8 (Unity) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
0x00007FFE37703034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFE39411431 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

Comments (3)

  1. GeekBrony

    Jan 03, 2019 01:36

    I'm getting the same crash here, in 2018.2.19f1, 2018.2.20f1, and 2018.3.0f2. I've got a really big project.

    My stack trace is as follows:

    0x0000000140BA1160 (Unity) FindDataSource
    0x0000000140B8C495 (Unity) WriteConstantLoop<MemCpy<CopyFloat,2> >
    0x0000000140B898CF (Unity) InstancingProps::FillInstanceBufferDispatchConstants<Instancing::DrawAPIArgs>
    0x0000000140B8A946 (Unity) InstanceBufferJob<Instancing::DrawAPIArgs>
    0x00000001408AD397 (Unity) JobQueue::Exec
    0x00000001408AF11E (Unity) JobQueue::Steal
    0x00000001408AD703 (Unity) JobQueue::ExecuteJobFromQueue
    0x00000001408ADB53 (Unity) JobQueue::ProcessJobs
    0x00000001408AFA19 (Unity) JobQueue::WorkLoop
    0x0000000140A88CE8 (Unity) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
    0x00007FF95F693034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
    0x00007FF960183691 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

    ========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

  2. xVergilx

    Sep 23, 2018 14:34

    I'm getting same crash on 2018.3.0b2.

  3. andrew-lukasik

    Aug 22, 2018 11:28

    Any known workarounds?

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