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Not Reproducible

Fixed in 2021.2.X



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Issue ID




Crash with "RendererUpdateManager::RemoveRenderer" when using undo after adding Tilemap to the List



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Create a new TilemapGroup GameObject (Hierarchy -> Right-click - > SuperTilemapEditor -> TilemapGroup)
3. Select the TilemapGroup GameObject
4. In the Inspector -> TilemapGroup -> Tilemaps add a new Tilemap to the list
5. Use the Cmd/Ctrl+Z shortcut key or Edit > Undo
6. Observe the crash

Reproducible with: 2021.2.3f1, 2021.2.14f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.2.0a21, 2021.2.2f1, 2022.1.0a1, 2022.1.0b10, 2022.2.0a7
Could not test with: 2019.4.36f1, 2020.3.30f1 (Errors when downgrading 2D Common package)

First few lines of the stack trace:
0x00007ff6c6b5de08 (Unity) RendererUpdateManager::RemoveRenderer
0x00007ff6c6b4a628 (Unity) Renderer::RemoveFromScene
0x00007ff6c6b482b7 (Unity) Renderer::Deactivate
0x00007ff6c69b65b8 (Unity) GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal
0x00007ff6c69b61c9 (Unity) GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursively
0x00007ff6c69b8d69 (Unity) GameObject::Deactivate

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.2):

    Fixed in 2021.2.17f1

Comments (5)

  1. MatasVa

    Sep 25, 2022 11:34

    Reproducible in 2021.3.10f1

  2. lazuardiyaffan

    Sep 15, 2022 02:00

    Happened to me as well in 2021.3.9f1

  3. EidLoi

    Sep 03, 2022 15:14

    never mind, it keeps crushing. Classic Unity.

  4. EidLoi

    Sep 03, 2022 15:00

    The solution I found was to register the created component for undo instead of its game object.

  5. EidLoi

    Sep 03, 2022 14:57

    This issue appeared again in v2021.3.9f1 LTS. Weirdly enough I am working on a tilemap editor and I didn't have the issue in 2021.3.6f1, but when I upgraded I could no longer undo without crashing. I had no code changes on my end between the upgrades.

    I have an editor tool that lets me paint and there is a code like so:

    Tile tile = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab, tileGrid.transform) as Tile;
    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(tile.gameObject, "Tile created");

    if (OrientTo(tileGrid, tile, profile, x, z))
    return tile;

    Regardless of where the creation undo is registered, it will cause a crash when I undo it.
    If I don't have the RegisterCreatedObjectUndo it works (but of course, leaves the game object there).

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