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Crash on ReadJointDofs when when moving GameObject



How to reproduce:
1. Download and open the attached "Robot Scara" project
2. Enter Play mode
3. Press Start
4. Use the arrow keys
5. Observe the crash

Reproducible with: 2020.3.48f1, 2021.3.26f1, 2022.2.21f1, 2023.1.0b18
Could not test with: 2023.3 (Console errors, project breaks)

First few lines of the stack trace:
0x00007ff7b4a415ef (Unity) ReadJointDofs
0x00007ff7b4a3ddce (Unity) Unity::ArticulationBody::GetJointPosition
0x00007ff7b3f679e0 (Unity) ArticulationBody_CUSTOM_get_jointPosition_Injected
0x00000199766fe75c (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ArticulationBody:get_jointPosition_Injected (UnityEngine.ArticulationBody,UnityEngine.ArticulationReducedSpace&)
0x00000199766fe65b (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.ArticulationBody:get_jointPosition ()

  1. Resolution Note:

    We couldn't reproduce the crash against 2023.3.0a17 Unity editor.
    Strongly suggest you update your project to overcome the issue.

    Thank you.

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