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Collab shows "An Error Occurred" message sometimes in poor internet conditions and when waking up from sleep



Repro steps (not the best but seem to be fairly consistent).

1) Start Unity
2) Open a Collab project
3) Let the laptop go to sleep and reopen after 1 hour.
4) Observer the red dialog in the attached images.
5) The error can be dismissed and collab performs correctly.

UnityConnectUserInfoRequest: Timed out while fetching user - please check your network connection

(Filename: /Users/USERNAME/unity_core_source/unity/Editor/Src/UnityConnect/UnityConnectUserInfoRequest.cpp Line: 51)

An error occured while processing request "", HTTP error code 0
.[UnityConnect] An error occured.
UnityConnectOrganizationRequest: Timed out while fetching orgs - please check your network connection

(Filename: /Users/USERNAME/unity_core_source/unity/Editor/Src/UnityConnect/UnityConnectOrganizationRequest.cpp Line: 40)

An error occured while processing request "", HTTP error code 299
.[UnityConnect] An error occured.
UPID Received '57f34ff1-9f5b-4f63-9ceb-b7d9c499ea2f'.
UPID Received '57f34ff1-9f5b-4f63-9ceb-b7d9c499ea2f'.
UnityConnectUserInfoRequest: Timed out while fetching user - please check your network connection

(Filename: /Users/USERNAME/unity_core_source/unity/Editor/Src/UnityConnect/UnityConnectUserInfoRequest.cpp Line: 51)

An error occured while processing request "", HTTP error code 0
.[UnityConnect] An error occured.
UnityConnectOrganizationRequest: Timed out while fetching orgs - please check your network connection

(Filename: /Users/USERNAME/unity_core_source/unity/Editor/Src/UnityConnect/UnityConnectOrganizationRequest.cpp Line: 40)

Not reproducible in Version 5.5.2p2 (03f34082a9c0)
Reproducible in Version 5.6.0f3 (497a0f351392)

Comments (9)

  1. thepepperone2016

    Apr 05, 2018 01:10

    has this been resolved?

  2. zcwfeng

    Nov 17, 2017 03:03

    Every time I open it, the normal quality of my network connection is good. 5.6.0f3 and 2017 new version are all

  3. Nodrap

    Oct 11, 2017 13:35

    Just got this in 2017.1.p04 and I don't use Collab (and it says I need to enable it on the drop down in the editor). My internet is mixed quality but it shouldn't pause my work.

  4. hzj730

    Jul 13, 2017 14:35

    same error on unity 5.6.2f1

  5. AfterAnonimatum

    May 27, 2017 18:33

    same error on versión 5.6.1p1 (64bit)

  6. yixiaoqingyuz

    May 26, 2017 01:03

    Same problem with Unity 5.6.1f1

  7. amarok-blue

    May 25, 2017 22:11

    Same problem with Unity 5.6.1f1

  8. powersparks_bah

    May 03, 2017 14:55

    After refreshing my services, I was not able to reproduce the error, and perhaps the internet connection was lost. so perhaps this is a valid error... and not an issue?

  9. powersparks_bah

    May 03, 2017 14:40

    I see the same error twice on version5.6.0f3 (64bit)

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