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Fixed in 1.2.6



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Code Coverage package does not report some of the internal ReportGenerator errors

Package: Code Coverage


*Steps to reproduce:*
Implementations of DebugLogger.Debug(), DebugLogger.Info(), DebugLogger.Warn() and DebugLogger.Error() do not print logs passed to them. 
This is usually not an issue as internally in most places ReportGenerator is using *Format() variants (DebugFormat(), WarnFormat(), etc), which do print logs they receive. However, when an exception occurs in [] catch block calls Error(). Because of that, exceptions that occur inside report generator aren't surfaced back to the editor and users cannot investigate the cause of a failure. 

*Actual results:* No error when exception occurs in the Report Generator

*Expected results:* Editor console displays the error that Report Generator has encountered

*Reproducible with versions:* 1.2.5

* No repro steps, as I couldn't get report generator to throw an exception, however, issue should be clear by looking at the code.

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