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Fixed in 2020.1.X

Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




[Camera] Camera preview does not display visible world space canvas



1. Create a new project.
2. Create a Canvas with a visible UI element. (i.e. GameObject -> UI -> Button)
3. Select Canvas in Hierarchy to view in Inspector.
4. Set Canvas Render Mode to World Space in Inspector.
5. Move Canvas so that it can be viewed in the Camera's range.
6. Click on Main Camera in Hierarchy to see the Camera Preview in the Scene view.

Expected Outcome: Can see the Canvas elements in Game view, and also in the Camera Preview.
Actual Outcome: Can only see the Canvas elements in the Game view, Camera Preview is empty.

Reproducible in 2020.1.0a21, 2019.3.0f6, 2019.3.0a10
Not reproducible in 2019.3.0a9, 2019.3.0a8, 2019.1.14f1, 2018.4.15f1

- Tested on Windows.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):

    Fixed in 2020.2.0a2

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):

    Fixed and verified in 2020.1.0b2

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Fixed and verified in 2019.3.8f1.

Comments (1)

  1. huizexu

    Jul 10, 2024 00:49

    This bug reappeared on version 2022.3.36f1

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