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AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue() returns zeroes when Animator is controlled by Timeline and Animation Type is set to Humanoid
How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “humanoid_getfloatvalue_issue“ project and open the “SampleScene”
2. Open the Timeline window (Window > Sequencing > Timeline) and select the “DirectorAndHelperScript” GameObject in the Hierarchy tab
3. In the Timeline window, double-click the “Praxis Animation 01” clip in the Animation track to open it in the Animation window
4. Select frame 120 in the Timeline window and select the “DirectorAndHelperScript” GameObject in the Hierarchy tab
5. In the Inspector, press the “AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue” button under the “Anim Get Value Helper” Script
6. In the Console window, find the values for the “RightFootQ” properties (x, y, z, and w) and compare their values to the corresponding values in the Animation window
Expected result: The float values printed in the Console window match the corresponding values in the Animation window
Actual result: The values printed in the Console window are all zeroes
Reproducible in: 2021.3.34f1, 2022.3.19f1, 2023.2.8f1, 2023.3.0b4
Reproducible on: Windows 11, macOS 14.3
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested
Note: In 2022.2.8f1 and 2023.3.0b4, this issue also extends to the Animation window, where the “RightFootQ” properties are adjustable but always show their value as 0
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Resolution Note:
This is a valid issue that we won't fix due to possible halo effect. Basically, When calling AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue, we internally look at the cached sampling values. This works well in the context of an animation window linked to an animator, as it internally calls Animation.Sample, but this is not the case for an animation window that is linked to timeline. As the sampling is not done, it will simply return 0 by default.
A workaround to this issue would be to call Animation.Sample and provide the clip and time in parameters just before the call to AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue.
As for the other issue, which is that the animation window linked to timeline shows a value of 0 for muscle clips, this is a regression introduced recently, and we will open another ticket for it.