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Fixed in 2017.3.0f3
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Issue ID
[Android] Application crash on start when reopening it multiple times
Steps to reproduce:
1) Download attached project and open in Unity
2) Build and Run project on a device
3) Close the app and launch it again (usually takes around 10 to 50 times to repeat this step)
Observe the crash:
#00 pc 0001765a /system/lib/ (__memcpy_base+81)
#01 pc 000750cf /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (core_glBufferData+530)
#02 pc 0004c517 /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (glBufferData+28)
#03 pc 009f9948 /data/app/com.ironhidegames.tests.mtrendering-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN7ApiGLES12CreateBufferEN2gl12BufferTargetElPKvj+164)
#04 pc 009c3e9c /data/app/com.ironhidegames.tests.mtrendering-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN14DataBufferGLES16RecreateWithDataEjPKv+116)
#05 pc 009c3aa0 /data/app/com.ironhidegames.tests.mtrendering-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN19ConstantBuffersGLES13UpdateBuffersE21MonoOrStereoscopicEyeb+220)
#06 pc 009d43e4 /data/app/com.ironhidegames.tests.mtrendering-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN13GfxDeviceGLES14BeforeDrawCallEv+2204)
Expected result: Application should not crash no matter how many times it's being opened
Actual result: Application crash when reopening it multiple times
Reproduced with:
2017.1.1p1, 2017.2.0b11, 2017.3.0a7
Not reproduced with:
Devices under testing:
Reproduced with:
Google Nexus 5*, OS:6.0.1, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 330, Build:google/hammerhead/hammerhead:6.0.1/MOB31E/3142026:user/release-keys
Not reproduced with:
Lge LG D855 (G3)*, OS:5.0, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 330, Build:lge/g3_global_com/g3:5.0/LRX21R.A1445306351/1445306351:user/release-keys
Samsung SM G925F (Galaxy S6 Edge)*, OS:7.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Mali-T760, Build:samsung/zeroltexx/zerolte:7.0/NRD90M/G925FXXU5EQFC:user/release-keys
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Sep 28, 2017 12:38
Reproducable steps:
1. Export with Gradle(new)
2. For first time install it has more reproducibility. Almost crashes everytime right before the unity splash screen.
3. Rarely it crashes from 2nd launch.
Sep 28, 2017 12:36
Here is the crash log.
crash_dump32 performing dump of process 881 (target tid = 932)
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG Build fingerprint: 'google/bullhead/bullhead:8.0.0/OPR4.170623.006/4286358:user/release-keys'
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG Revision: 'rev_1.0'
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG ABI: 'arm'
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG pid: 881, tid: 932, name: UnityMain >>> com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo <<<
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xcb300000
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG r0 be720000 r1 cb2ffff0 r2 00000fc0 r3 00000000
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG r4 cb300fd0 r5 be721000 r6 00000001 r7 00001000
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG r8 00000001 r9 00001000 sl 00001000 fp cee83eac
09-28 13:02:44.031 2129 - F DEBUG ip dc62aec4 sp cee83a28 lr dc52060f pc ee329e54 cpsr 20070010
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG backtrace:
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #00 pc 00018e54 /system/lib/ (memcpy+100)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #01 pc 0016660b /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN9BltDevice17ExecFastCopyBlockEPvPKvjjjjPK7BltRectS5_i+106)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #02 pc 00166a8d /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN9BltDevice14ExecFastSwCopyEP13BltExecSwCopy+844)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #03 pc 0016d121 /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN9BltDevice18ExecSwCopyInternalEP13BltExecSwCopy+7584)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #04 pc 0016d20d /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN9BltDevice10ExecSwCopyEP13BltExecSwCopy+172)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #05 pc 00140eb5 /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN9EsxBltLib16CopyHostPtrBltSwEPK17EsxBltCopyHostPtr+1236)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #06 pc 001133b7 /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN11EsxResource23UpdateSubResourceDirectEP10EsxContextjPK6EsxBoxPK20EsxSurfaceAccessDesci+1398)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #07 pc 000ceeeb /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN10EsxContext17UpdateSubResourceEP11EsxResourcejPK6EsxBoxPK20EsxSurfaceAccessDesc+682)
09-28 13:02:44.149 2129 - F DEBUG #08 pc 00126433 /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN15EsxBufferObject6UpdateEP10EsxContextyjPKv+114)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #09 pc 000b48e5 /vendor/lib/egl/ (_ZN10EsxContext12GlBufferDataEjlPKvj+100)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #10 pc 0009c001 /vendor/lib/egl/ (glBufferData+32)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #11 pc 009fc3a8 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN7ApiGLES12CreateBufferEN2gl12BufferTargetElPKvj+164)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #12 pc 009c687c /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN14DataBufferGLES16RecreateWithDataEjPKv+116)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #13 pc 009c6480 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN19ConstantBuffersGLES13UpdateBuffersE21MonoOrStereoscopicEyeb+220)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #14 pc 009d6cf8 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN13GfxDeviceGLES14BeforeDrawCallEv+2204)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #15 pc 009d81fc /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN13GfxDeviceGLES11DrawBuffersEP9GfxBufferPK18VertexStreamSourceiPK16DrawBuffersRangeiP17VertexDeclaration17ShaderChannelMask+140)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #16 pc 004e6868 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN17GenericDynamicVBO17DrawChunkInternalERK21DynamicVBOChunkHandle17ShaderChannelMaskS3_P17VertexDeclarationP16DrawBuffersRangeij+564)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #17 pc 004e4b78 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN10DynamicVBO9DrawChunkERK21DynamicVBOChunkHandle17ShaderChannelMaskS3_P17VertexDeclarationPKNS_10DrawParamsEi+648)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #18 pc 00873b94 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZN13DrawImmediate11FlushBufferEv+372)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #19 pc 0046fc54 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_ZL8DrawQuadRK5RectTIfEfP7TextureRK10ColorRGBAfS2_+856)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #20 pc 00416ddc /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_Z16DrawSplashScreenb+1392)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #21 pc 00a62108 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_Z15UnityPlayerLoopv+1180)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #22 pc 00a6492c /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/lib/arm/ (_Z12nativeRenderP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+264)
09-28 13:02:44.150 2129 - F DEBUG #23 pc 0001c5b3 /data/app/com.voxelbusters.nativepluginsdemo-FjFvfPdug0UyrGOMDF6DzQ==/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x1b000)
09-28 13:02:46.765 632 - E /system/bin/tombstoned Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones//tombstone_04
Sep 28, 2017 12:35
May I know which version this got fixed?
We tried with 2017.1.1.p3 - Latest 22nd Sep
Running on Nexus 5x - Android Oreo