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[Addressables] ScriptableObject collections are loaded when selecting an asset
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached 'AddressableHeaderHang' project
2. Open the Profiler window
3. Enable the Deep Profile
4. In the Attach to Player drop-down select 'Editor'
5. Select the 'large_file' asset in the Assets folder (the Editor might hang after)
6. Observe a performance spike in the Profiler and stop recording
7. In the CPU Usage Module details panel switch to a Raw Hierarchy view and enable the 'Show Related Objects' option
8. Search for 'ReadObject' and observe that the AssetCollection object and the 'Torus' file have been loaded
Expected result: only required and related assets are loaded when selecting an asset
Actual result: other unrelated assets are loaded
Reproducible with: 1.16.19 (2019.4.20f1), 1.19.17 (2019.4.20f1, 2019.4.34f1, 2020.3.27f1, 2021.2.8f1)
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Resolution Note:
This slow down is caused by our use of AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath.
In 2020 and 2021 this method does not need to load the ScriptableObject in order to get the type. In 2019 it does.
As this issue is engine related and could be backported. Only affect 2019 which is towards end of support range. And the fix for addressing this would be a risky and slow (not as slow as the issue, but much slower that the engine fix, and has issues with keeping the assets up to date, and will even be slower for many users not affected by the issue at hand (ScriptableObjects that reference a lot of other Assets). Then this will be a Won't Fix.