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Fixed in 1.20.5



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Issue ID




Addressables Editor Hosting shows previous Platform when Platform is changed

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "AddressablesTest"
2. Open Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Hosting
3. Create Local Hosting (Create -> Local Hosting) and press Enable
4. Notice how it says "Hosting : ServerData/\{current Platform}" (example: "Hosting : ServerData/StandaloneWindows64")
5. Build and Run project
6. Switch Platform by going to File -> Build Settings and choose any other platform (eg. Android, iOS)
7. Notice how it still says the previous platform "Hosting : ServerData/\{previous Platform}" (example: "Hosting : ServerData/StandaloneWindows64")

Expected result: Addressables Hosting shows current Platform
Actual result: Addressables Hosting shows previous Platform

Reproducible with: 1.1.5 (2019.4.39f1), 1.18.19 (2019.4.39f1), 1.19.19 (2019.4.39f1, 2020.3.35f1, 2021.3.3f1), 1.20.0 (2022.1.2f1, 2022.0a15)

Reproducible on: Windows 10, macOS Monterey 12.2.1

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