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WebGL build freezes loading Localization Sprite Data
1) Open attached projectÂ
2) Create a WebGL player build and run
3) Player freezes at 90% - no errors in console.
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Resolution Note:
Addressables is unable to support WaitForCompletion on WebGL due to threading limitation issues.
WebGL does not support `WaitForCompletion`. On WebGL, all files are loaded using a web request. On other platforms, a web request gets started on a background thread and the main thread spins in a tight loop while waiting for the web request to finish. This is how Addressables does it for `WaitForCompletion` when a web request is used.
Since WebGL is single-threaded, the tight loop blocks the web request and the operation is never allowed to finish. If a web request finishes the same frame it was created, then `WaitForCompletion` wouldn't have any issue. However, we cannot guarantee this to be the case, and likely it isn't the case for most instances.