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UpdateCatalogs and CheckForCatalogUpdates don't register updates when addressables are built in another project
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's attached "Addressables Update" project and enter the SampleScene scene
2. Open Addressables Creator Project that is located inside of an attached project
3. Open Command Prompt and change the directory by typing "cd + $projectPath + \\Addressables Creator Project\\ServerData"
4. Run the Python script by typing "py"
5. In the "Addressables Update Test" project, enter the Play mode (keep it running)
6. Observe the Console window (it checks for updates every 5 seconds)
7. In the "Addressables Creator Project" project, open Assets/Addressables/Addressable 1.txt and type "test" (or make any other changes)
8. Open Window/Asset Management/Addressables/Groups window and select Build/Update a Previous Build
9. Select Addressables Creator Project\\Assets\\AddressableAssetsData\\Windows\\addressables_content_state.bin
10. In the "Addressables Update Test" project, observe the Console window
Expected result: Log shows 0 updates
Actual result: Log shows 1 update
Reproducible with: 1.16.5 - 1.17.4-preview (2019.4.19f1, 2020.2.3f1, 2021.1.0b5, 2021.2.0a3)
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.31f1 (could not downgrade the project)
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Resolution Note:
This issue is caused when the handle from LoadContentCatalogAsync is not yet released. After calling LoadContentCatalogAsync it is safe to release the handle, and the content will still be able to be loaded from Addressables.
CheckForCatalogUpdates depends on loading the hash location to compare it to the one that the catalog was loaded from.
Without releasing the catalog load handle, then it will be cached and result in the same hash being returned.