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tvOS builds fail when building with the Burst package on MacOS Silicon

Package: Burst


*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Create a new project 
2. Make sure the Burst package is installed
3. Open the Build Settings window
4. Switch platform to tvOS
5. Build the project
6. Observe the Console window

*Actual results:* There are multiple errors thrown and the build fails
*Expected results:* The project builds with no errors thrown

*Reproducible with versions:* 1.6.6(2021.3.29f1), 1.8.14(2021.3.33f1), 1.8.18(2021.3.45f1, 2022.3.52f1, 6000.0.29f1, 6000.1.0a7)

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS Silicon

* Does not reproduce with Windows 11, MacOS Intel
* Seems to only reproduce on MacOS Silicon
* Does not reproduce without Burst package

  1. Resolution Note:

    A prerequisite for building Apple TV players is that Xcode is installed with tvOS support. Please ensure that Xcode is installed with tvOS platform support.

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