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Fixed in 1.8.0



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Issue ID




Top Action in top Action Map is selected on adding first binding to new action (Player settings editor only)

Package: Input System


*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Open project wide action map

2. create a new action in either Player or UI action map

3. select the action that got added at the bottom

4. expand the binding

5. select the binding

6. click the Path control

*Actual results:* The selection jumps to the top action of the top action map and the binding path menu is opened.

After selecting the binding path it now looks as if the currently selected action has the just selected binding path (which it doesn't). The binding gets actually assigned to the action you want it to. You have to select another action and then come back to see the correct and unchanged binding of the wrongly selected top action.

For each subsequent binding it works properly

*Expected results:* It keeps the selection on the action you want to add the binding to.

*Reproducible with versions:* 1.8.0-pre.3

*Not reproducible with versions:* 1.7.0

*Can’t test with versions:* 

*Tested on (OS):* Win11

UPDATE: Seems specific to adding actions within the Project Settings panel. The issue doesn't occur when using the "standalone" Asset editor window (even when docked).


  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.8.0):

    Fixed selection jumping around Actions list due to premature asset saving.

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