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The LocalizedString values are changed when reordering a list of items containing a LocalizedString

Package: Localization Package


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project
2. Open 'SceneBugToo' ('Assets' > 'Bug' > 'SceneBugToo')
3. In the Hierarchy window select the 'BUG' object
4. Observe the 'Text' field value of the element with the 'Id' value equal to 0
5. In the Inspector reorder the elements of the Translations list
6. Observe the 'Text' field value of the element with the 'Id' equal to 0 again

Expected result: The 'Text' field value is equal to 'TestStringTable/A'
Actual result: The 'Text' field value is equal to 'TestStringTable/B'

Reproducible with: Localization 0.5.0-preview, 0.9.0-preview (2019.4.15f1, 2020.1.15f1, 2020.2.0b13, 2021.1.0a7)
Cannot test with: Localization 0.4.0-preview (2018.4.29f1) (due to errors), 0.5.0-preview, 0.9.0-preview (2018.4.29f1) (the Localization package versions are not supported)

Comments (1)

  1. Trisibo

    Dec 21, 2020 23:42

    I think this is an issue with the custom LocalizedString editor (I guess some cache), not with the values actually changing, since in my case it's fixed by deselecting and selecting the object again (so the inspector refreshes), and it doesn't happen with the inspector in debug mode.

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